M.S. Design Studios will fuse function and style to create interiors beautifully tailored to your aesthetics and daily needs. By collaborating together, we will bring out the very best features in each room to create joy throughout your home.

Your home is an art form. It expresses yourself, family, and lifestyle. Almost every object in your home conveys emotion and ideas about who you and your family are. Those objects may range from vases and pillows discovered on special trips to a sparkling new espresso maker. Together, all the parts of your home convey your personality. They convey your ideas about beauty, comfort and pleasure. They say “welcome” to all.



‘I believe in the power of a beautiful and functional interior to be able to enhance our daily lives. Curating the essence of an interior means combining the needs of practical living with timeless design details to evoke the true potential of a space.

Whether the project is a modern new construction or a historic home renovation, the concept of M.S. Design Studios style philosophy builds upon your own memories and ideas of comfort to tell a story that is uniquely you.